Detroit Here I Come!

Hello my wonderful fans!

I joined the best choir in the whole world, second best to the TABCATS. The MTC choir! My very first choir ever. I was very proud of myself. I'm still not good at singing and don't understand how singing the same song for an hour is fun for people, but whatever floats your boat I guess.

Quentin L. Cook came and spoke to us last Tuesday and showed us the original manuscript of Alma 34! He also showed us one of the first edition Book of Mormons! It was really cool. The best way to explain how I felt when I saw them was a complete absence of doubt. 

I'm going to Detroit tomorrow and I get to check out of the MTC at 4:45am!! I met a few people in my travel group so now I don't feel as scared to go without anyone in my district. Pray for me still!!

Shout out to Elder Barfus for helping me figure out how to work this whole group email thing :)

It has been really hard to say goodbye to everyone in my district. Leaving the MTC is a lot harder than I thought it would be. Last night we made a video to my new favorite song and we had to do it like 5 times because I was never in sync. Rock paper scissors is our new favorite game. We are sad to leave four square though. The Elders say that I would be in Ravenclaw if we were at Hogwarts, then they got to know me better and they said I should be in Hufflepuff. Sister Anderson wears her Slytherin sweatshirt every p-day. Today Sister Anerson left me and then some security lady got her in trouble and followed her back to me. She was upset at me, but I thought it was really funny! Elder Bradshaw thinks he is going to copy and paste my emails and send them to his email list, but there is no way he will get away with pretending to be me. 

Something I learned this week is the 3 tiers of obedience. The lowest one is being obedient because of fear. The middle one is the "what's in it for me" tier. The top one, where we should all aspire to be, is being obedient because we love the Lord. John 14:15 "If ye love me, keep my commandments." Being obedient even when nobody is watching is a measure of how much we love the Lord. If we are obedient God will always help us succeed. Consider your motives to be obedient to the Lord and His teachings. I love you all so much!


Sister Butler

Our TRC Rebekah

our room number and drawings of us

one of our daily mirror selfies

MTC shirts!
