Sunshine sisters!
Yesterday all the sisters wore yellow and a cute lady we teach said "I'm so glad I got to be taught by the sunshine sisters!".
At our last teaching appointment TRC thing our teacher asked me if he could come sit in on our lesson. I was like oh noooo! We didn't want him to come and judge us. That sounds dumb I realize now haha.
As soon as we got off of the elevator we ran to the little room where we were teaching our cute little investigator. It feels like monsters inc with all the doors! We thought we lost him but then all the sudden I see him down the hall pointing at us and glaring! He reminds me of an adult version of the kid in the Christmas story movie!
So then he comes in our lesson with us and we felt weird at first. But we did soooooo good and I was so happy we could testify and bring the spirit. Christmas story boys eyes would get super big through his glasses every time we said something super good.
Every night some of the sisters do some weird stuff right before we go to bed. Like one time some of us did an interpretive octopus dance and last night we did the worm. I'm trying to master the worm, but it's a work in progress. Update on my splits: no progress thus far.
Here is something I liked from our sunday devotional by sheri dew:
"we accept and love everyone as they are, but you cannot stay that way."
She explained how we were all designed to progress. I love that because I have already begun to see great changes happening in me! I know that if you do small and simple things (prayer, scripture study, temple attendance, etc.) consistently, great changes will happen in your life. I promise greater sense of direction, peace, and happiness. I invite you to consider what changes you can make in your life to keep progressing on the strait and narrow path.
love you all!
Sister Butler
My dad came to interpret at a devotional!
Elder Barfus and I with our cute companions
The sunshine sisters :)
Temple trip
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