Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

This week we had new missionary training and interviews. They split the trainers and trainees up and we talked about some of our struggles. It was like a little group therapy session. Most of the trainees just complained the whole time about how they don't like their trainers. One sister started to cry and I felt so bad for her because I love my trainer! 

We put up our Christmas tree this week and decorated it! It is so cute. 

We were asked to help with the music at a funeral on Saturday so I got to conduct the music and sister Timmerman played the piano. 

Every Friday we go to an assisted living home and paint the little old ladies finger nails. Now I'm friends with all the old people and they are so proud of themselves when they remember my name. It makes me so happy when the little old ladies get so excited to see us!
We stopped by a lot of members this week and had some really good lessons. 

This Thanksgiving I am grateful for my family. I know that families are the most important social unit to God and that the family is central to His plan. We have families to support us and strengthen us. Most of all our families bring us joy. The relationships we have within our families last throughout eternity. Enjoy this Thanksgiving with your families everyone! 


Sister Butler

Me at crossroads village last pday

Me and a giant snowman

Sister T and I with our Christmas tree, hot chocolate, and cinnamon rolls :)
