Good Tidings of Joy!
Hola Friends and Family,
I hope everyone had a good Thanksgiving! We got to go to a members house for dinner. We visited a lot of less active families and did tons of store contacting on Thanksgiving. The best part of Thanksgiving was calling my family, even though I call them every Monday it's still uplifting.
I survived my first transfer! Woohoo! This transfer has transformed me into a more joyful missionary! It's crazy how much joy comes from serving God. One of my favorite quotes is from President Nelson that says, "The JOY we feel has little to do with the circumstance of our lives, and everything to do with the FOCUS of our lives." Rather than dreading the sound of our alarm clock in the morning, I get up with more enthusiasm than ever. I get to be the Lord's servant for another day, and that's awesome! On Tuesday we will get transfer calls and on Thursday is when we actually have transfers. Hopefully in my next email I'll still be here in good old Flint.
We got to have an amazing lesson with Ebony and her family yesterday about baptism and the holy ghost. She has 4 super cute kids who all came to church yesterday! We have become great friends with them! She even said that she feels like the missionaries who taught her before weren't able to relate to her or her kids very well and that she feels so much more comfortable with us. We invited them to pray about being baptized and tonight we will meet with them again and see how they feel about it! I am so happy for them because I know how much the gospel of Jesus Christ will bless their family!
There really is nothing better than being a missionary! We scraped a lot of people's cars for them yesterday and it was so much fun to talk to everyone. We got a lot of return appointments out of our service too! Scraping someone else's car is a lot more fun than scraping your own. I would highly suggest it :)
Also its December now! My most favorite time of year! The new video called The Christ Child is such an amazing presentation of Christ's birth. The first time I watched it was when we were decorating our Christmas tree and I was like why aren't there any subtitles at least! I don't know what they are saying in this funky language! The more we have shown it to people we teach, the more I've pondered about why there aren't any subtitles. I think it's because we are suppose to pay attention to how we feel. What we feel is far more important than the words we hear. The spirit is the one who converts people, it is only through our words that we invite the spirit to be there. When I watch it I feel immense peace. It's a peace that I have come to realize can only come through our Savior and Redeemer Jesus Christ. He is the prince of peace. A scripture I love is in 2Ne19:6 "For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given; and the government shall be upon his shoulder; and his name shall be called, Wonderful, Counselor, The Mighty God, The Everlasting Father, The PRINCE OF PEACE."
I hope that everyone gets a chance to watch that video and to rewatch it with greater awareness of the feelings that come to them. Light the world! Yayayaya!
Sister Butler
Another selfie, this time in our apartment after tracting in the snow
Sister T and I in Downtown Flushing
My 2 months splits progress photo! I look funny, but my splits are getting better. It just kind of hurts.
A dog named Gracie and I on Thanksgiving
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