Happy Valentines!

Hi everyone!

 I'm gonna try to get you all up to speed since I'm not super good at emailing weekly. Also Happy Valentines this week! I love you all :)

A nice old grandpa in our ward gave me a nickname last week. He said that I have the cutest nose he ever saw. I said that it's like a button. So now he says, "hey button!" every time he sees me. 

Training a new missionary is a lot of pressure because I want to help her get on her own two feet and have a good mission experience. Sister Johnson is a rock star. Half the time I think she's the one training me! 

Our area is super special and I feel so privileged to be here, even though it can be pretty tough sometimes. Our bishopric is implementing a new plan that the church piloted in Mongolia.They gave us a list of 45 active families to help strengthen and get them involved in missionary work. We split them up between the Elders and us so we have 22 families that we're suppose to meet with weekly. It's really fun to work with all these members because they are super nice and their testimonies strengthen mine. We have had 3 meals with members in the last 3 weeks and now we have meals everyday of this week! What a miracle!

We celebrated ground hogs day last week by making little TP's. I guess it's a tradition in Sister Johnsons family. The groundhog is suppose to come and leave a trail of candy to the TP and stuff. Unfortunately, the ground hog didn't come to our apartment. I guess he didn't want the prayer rocks we put inside of them.

During my studies this week I read in 2Ne9:39 when Jacob is talking to the Nephites. He says, "O, my beloved brethren, remember the awfulness in transgressing against that Holy God, and also the awfulness of yielding to the enticings of that cunning one. Remember, to be carnally-minded is death, and to be spiritually-minded is life eternal." 
Because of the fall of Adam and Eve we are all subject to mortality. In mortality we will always be carnally minded or inclined to make mistakes and sin. It's pretty much inevitable. In order to live with God again we must put off the natural man and become spiritually minded. How can we be more spiritually minded? The answer is simple! We can become more spiritually minded by putting the Savior at the forefront of our minds. On exchanges a sister mentioned that the thing we love the most is the thing we think about the most. Thankfully, Heavenly Father has provided us with the opportunity to partake of the sacrament weekly to help us always remember Him! This week I put up a few pictures of Christ in our apartment to help me remember my Savior more. It has helped me stay motivated and focused on my purpose. I encourage all of you to think of a way you can remember Jesus Christ more throughout your week. :)

Sister Butler

We went finding on Butler street!

Me as a granny

Ceirra, Shamyia, Sister T, and I with the grinch at Christmas time

A video of me running up an escalator to demonstrate how our progression will decline if we stop praying and studying the scriptures daily. That was really fun

Sitting in the Smith's car to stop by members

Making a TP for the groundhog
