Oreo's and Ants

Hello everyone!

Sorry I'm gonna make this one short. All I really have to say is that Sister Perez ate Oreos with a bunch of ants crawling on them without realizing, and then we looked in the box and they were everywhere! Ewe so gross, but I laughed my head off. 

We've been making a lot of videos to send to our zones Facebook page for them to post. 
We're very sad to head that Elder Pace passed away from the coronavirus. He was one of the senior missionaries in my zone and him and his wife were wonderful. We are praying for the Pace's. 

Sister Butler
Ice Cream in the snow.

Ants in the Oreo's!!!

My frog that I named Chantell

In the woods again

Walking in the woods

Us on our inflatable couch, thanks mom!

The lake 

Gettin geared up to go to the store 

Chantell again

Trying to make a video of us teaching, but instead we just lost it. Quarantine hurts my brain!
