Fall is Here!

 Hello everyone! 

It's been a while! This transfer has been super fun and super busy. I have never taken so many naps and slept more on pdays than I have this transfer. 💤😴 It's all fantastic though! I'm sad that the weeks have been flying by because I love my companions so much, and we're afraid of someone getting transferred. They both make me want to be a better missionary and person! 

Sister Driggs hasn't taught me any more Portuguese because I started learning Hawaiian instead. 🌺🌴🥥Portuguese sounds like gibberish, and Hawaiian sounds like monkey. Monkey language is much easier for me! 🐒 Sister Parkinson is really good at French. We all like to make fun of each others languages and pretend like we know what we're saying. 

😪Sad news: Our cute friend Leslie dropped us! I was really depressed that night. She said that she wants to focus on the bible and her church right now. I know that it wasn't her idea which makes me sad that her roommate probably told her some bad things.

😁Good news: Our friend Bill is doing great! He is already through 1st Nephi! We had a church tour with him and were sooo close to inviting him to be baptized, but we felt like it would have been too pushy. Before we started the tour he even asked what someone has to do in order to be baptized. Later he said that he wasn't ready to change churches yet, so there were a lot of mixed feelings.⛪ We have gotten him some awesome fellowship and are working on helping gain a spiritual confirmation that this is the only true church. We know it will come because Bill is literally so prepared. His favorite part of the gospel is enduring to the end because that's something a lot of other Christians forget about! 

I conducted my first real in person exchange with the other Clarkston Sisters. I wish we could do it with all the sisters, but Covid :( Our exchange was so much fun! We found a new person that day and talked about conference with some people. We also set up tons of appointments with inactive members! How cool is that? We've been heart attacking a lot of the members and we can totally see how that has been softening their hearts. ❤❤🧡💙

This month I realized that I don't have a super long time to do everything I want to before my mission is over! There is sooo much I still need to learn! Now I feel like I'm on turbo speed everyday because I want to make sure that I cross the finish line sprinting as hard as I can! I like to sing the pokemon theme song to my companions every morning. Not because I like pokemon, but because it's funny and it makes them cringe. I changed the words a little bit to say, "I wanna be the very best, that I have ever been! Pokemon!" It gets everyone super hyped 🤣🤣

Sister Driggs has gotten me addicted to this HERBAL chai tea. We use almond milk in it, and it is the best cinnamonny yummy goodness I have ever had!! ☕☕The first week we only bought one thing of almond milk, and that was a big mistake. Now we know that we need at least 3 to last us all week. Sister Parkinson thinks we have an issue. I don't see the problem. 😂

While we were getting our hair cut a couple weeks ago at Sister Devor's house her husband showed us some of his mission scrapbooks. I found a letter about the 6 rules of the last inch that has really inspired me the last couple weeks to really repent daily and work harder! These are the 6 rules of the last inch:

1. The last inch is the most difficult of all.
2. The important differences between the good and the excellent don't often show until the last inch.
3. One decision made correctly in the last inch is worth a hundred made before. 
4. 99% of all success isn't found until the last inch. 
5. 99% of people give up before the last inch. 
6. A complete joy is found only after completing the last inch. 

Hasta la vista until the next I email! However long that will be!! Thank you for all staying subscribed!

Sister Butler

Our friend Brother Cherwak who wheeled a whole marathon!

Seed collecting at the land conservancy

Michigan Fall! 

Blurry exchange picture

We brought food to the elders because they said they were starving 
