I Leaf Being a Missionary
Hello everyone!
We got 70 comments on Sister Driggs post about raking peoples leaves. As you can imagine...we raked like I have never raked before! There may have been some minor injuries. We're pretty much professionals now. Last week I thought my arms would fall off, but this week I felt so buff!
We started teaching a members mother named Loraine! She's the cutest old lady I ever met. She even prays for us in Navajo. It's so cool! We're going to invite her to be baptized today! Pray it all goes well! I know it will help her feel so much more joy in life again.
This is a quote that changed how I pray forever!!
"The trouble with most of our prayers is that we give them as if we were picking up the telephone and ordering groceries—we place our order and hang up. We need to meditate, contemplate, think of what we are praying about and for and then speak to the Lord as one man speaketh to another” (Teachings of Presidents of the Church: Gordon B. Hinckley [2016], 114)."
As I've made a greater effort to contemplate what I'm going to pray for and write it down before I start they have been so much better! Another thing that has helped is making sure I say something grateful before I ask for something I need. Hopefully those are some ideas that can help you make your prayers more meaningful.
This week I am so excited for the mission tour! Elder Peter M Johnson is going to talk to our mission! Be ready for a flood of awesomeness from that meeting next week!
We went to a cider mill and took this cute picture
I got a taro Boba smoothie! I was very very happy with that.
We walk to a little pavilion everyday that we call our optimist clubhouse
My cute comps and I
One of the houses we raked at
I was a lumberjack at service!
Our friend George who we helped bag his leaves and he gave us ginger ale in return. He's from Macedonia!
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